Expanders & Distalizers Expanders & Distalizers Standard Banded RPE-Soderd to Four Bands Fan type RPE screw-symmetrically expands anteriors laterally with minimal posterior expansion Banded Haas Bonded RPE-Wire Reinforced Acrylic Bonded to Posterior Teeth Spring Activated RPE-Requires No Patient Compliance. It applies a constant 800g force through the inner spring Lower/Upper Mini Screw Expanders Quad Helix-Corrects Unilateral or Bilateral Crossbites Bi Helix Lower Crozat Appliance Jackson Appliance-Heavy body Wire Provides Arch Development W Arch Appliance-Simplest version of the Quad Helix Inman Power Component (IPC) E-Arch Appliance-For transverse Expansion of lower/upper arches T-Rex-Expands Arch and Distalizes Molars Pendex Appliance-Used to Expand Arch and Distalize Molars Bilateral Distal Jet Fast Back Distalizer Appliance Fast Back Side View Rapid Molar Distalizer Traction Screw Appliance-Used to Close Posterior Spaces